posted by daveT at 11:35 AM
Totally agree. You should start a petition and I'll sign it. Better yet, start it on Monday when you should be doing work.
By Stan, at 12:14 PM
Nah, Wednesday's are for reading new comic books in the can...
By Holz, at 12:26 PM
Not when you only pick up your comics every 1-2 months.
By Stan, at 8:36 PM
or make a new post on your blog that often... is that mold i see?
By daveT, at 1:27 PM
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Totally agree. You should start a petition and I'll sign it. Better yet, start it on Monday when you should be doing work.
Stan, at 12:14 PM
Nah, Wednesday's are for reading new comic books in the can...
Holz, at 12:26 PM
Not when you only pick up your comics every 1-2 months.
Stan, at 8:36 PM
or make a new post on your blog that often... is that mold i see?
daveT, at 1:27 PM
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