gay or not? that is the question

so what is the general opinion of a single guy that has a cat or 2?
is he weird? aren't guys supposed to have dogs? should a guy have male or female cats? should he get kittens and bring them up, or an old fart that can take care of itself? house cat or house/outdoor cat in the city?
i figure i'm not home enough to have a dog. i leave the house at 6:15am and some days i am home by 4:30pm, but most times not. somedays i don't get back till as late as 10pm...
is that even enough time for a cat?
i figure at least this way i won't be lying when i say there is a pussy at home waiting for me.....
I've got 2 as you know. Of course, they were both my wife's doing. I'll admit though that I absolutely adored mine before we had the baby. Then everything changed and they became an inconvenience. Now a days, they occasionally they will sit with me or something, but mostly, they just give me hairballs to clean up.
In your case, I'd say go for it. Cats are pretty independent so being away for a full day isn't a big deal. And I don't think it's gay at all. Some things to think about. Cats are happier in groups, so maybe two will keep the one from getting into things. It worked for mine, until we had the baby. Now they're attention starved so they get into things once in a while. In my experience, dude cats are cooler than chick cats. More personality and more loyal. The catch is that you've GOT to get them neutered or they'll sprinkle your house with hormones. Oh and BEFORE you get one, think about where you'll put the litter box. That was one of the biggest problems we have. We got ours for free from the SPCA and a private litter of stray cats. So don't go buy one for hundreds of dollars. That said, vet bills aren't cheap.
Stan, at 7:31 AM
IT IS NOT GAY!! There is nothing wrong w/ a single man having cats. We all know you are not gay, what is gay is worrying that your friends will think that. If they think you are gay b/c you have cats then they are not your friends. It is not like you wear pink shirts or anything.
Anonymous, at 7:40 AM
Ha, pink shirts. What a Casehole.
Stan, at 12:56 PM
You need to get two cats for your birthday!!!!!
Anonymous, at 12:24 PM
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