posted by daveT at 10:52 AM
Of course it'll come with a pink paint job and purple leather interior right?Jay
By Anonymous, at 8:14 PM
actually pink dots on purple background for exterior. and rainbow colored interior....or vista blue metallic exterior as pictured, and dark charcoal interior... and of course a 5 speed manual...
By daveT, at 7:29 AM
I can only read the manual in one speed. Does that make me unable to drive your car?
By Stan, at 9:28 AM
yessir indeed it does. unless of course that speed is 150mph...
By daveT, at 2:09 PM
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Of course it'll come with a pink paint job and purple leather interior right?
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM
actually pink dots on purple background for exterior. and rainbow colored interior....
or vista blue metallic exterior as pictured, and dark charcoal interior... and of course a 5 speed manual...
daveT, at 7:29 AM
I can only read the manual in one speed. Does that make me unable to drive your car?
Stan, at 9:28 AM
yessir indeed it does. unless of course that speed is 150mph...
daveT, at 2:09 PM
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