Half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herding space pirate

Thursday, April 20, 2006

it's 4:20. so what the hell does it have to do with pot?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_%28cannabis_culture%29#Origin_theories here's what wikipedia told me. i guess never having toked up, unless you count second hand inhalation at concert's/parties, i don't get the whole 4:20 thing. but at least i have heard about it. several other people at work were like, what's 4:20?

anyone want to explain further?

or is it really just an excuse to get all smoked up every afternoon, and all day once a year?


  • ok, so what day is the geek holiday then? or the old snobby lady at work that makes obscure references that youngins don't understand holiday?

    By Blogger daveT, at 7:36 AM  

  • Damn hippies


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:00 PM  

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