star wars quiz #1
1) who has the first line of "a new hope"? bonus points if you know the first 4 word sentence this character says.
2) name any/all actors/actresses to be credited in all 6 star wars movies.
3) what was luke's call sign in the first attack on the death star?
4) what was luke's call sign at the battle of hoth?
5) how many parsecs did it take the falcon to do the kessel run in?
6) what planet is chewbacca from?
7) what was the stormtrooper's call number that the death star technician radioed, when luke and han stole trooper armor suits and one of them acted like the transmitter didnt work?
8) what was jabba the hutt's spider monkey side-kick named?
9) what are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field?
10) what is the name of the bounty hunter han solo killed in the mos eisley cantina?
bonus) what type of ship is the millenium falcon? (hint yt series)
good luck... and no using the internet to find the answers luke.
2) name any/all actors/actresses to be credited in all 6 star wars movies.
3) what was luke's call sign in the first attack on the death star?
4) what was luke's call sign at the battle of hoth?
5) how many parsecs did it take the falcon to do the kessel run in?
6) what planet is chewbacca from?
7) what was the stormtrooper's call number that the death star technician radioed, when luke and han stole trooper armor suits and one of them acted like the transmitter didnt work?
8) what was jabba the hutt's spider monkey side-kick named?
9) what are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field?
10) what is the name of the bounty hunter han solo killed in the mos eisley cantina?
bonus) what type of ship is the millenium falcon? (hint yt series)
good luck... and no using the internet to find the answers luke.
1)C-3PO: "Did you hear that?"
2)Anthony daniels, Frank OZ, Kenny Baker, Cant think of any more..
3)Red 5
4)Rogue Leader
5)Less than 12
6)Kayshick (or something like that)
7) TK-421
8)Good Question.. I have no idea
9)Approximately 3720 to 1
10) Greedo
Bonus) Correlian YT-1300 Transport
Hah... Slam and Dunk...
Larakin, at 3:18 PM
Give me a bit and Ill have some counter questions for you...
Larakin, at 3:29 PM
top drawer kensington!
i'll leave #8 for jay to answer when he strolls on thru...
daveT, at 3:31 PM
I guess you are probably right Kate.. I am not sure if Fank oz was in IV..
Upon checking IMDB... you are infact correct.. he is not credited for Episode IV
Larakin, at 4:46 PM
8) Celatious Crum (SP)
I had most of the answers but it fricken deleted my original post just as I was leaving work. I didn't have time to post or I would have beat Justin to most of them.
Stan, at 5:54 PM
Stan, at 5:54 PM
10) Dang it, I was thinking of the guy whose arm Obi-Wan chopped off. That was Dr. Evazan, right?
Stan, at 5:56 PM
well now that GL re-did the first 3 yet again... ian mcdiarmid has a small bit in at least 5 of 6 as emperor/senator palpy. (not sure about newest version of ANH)
i was really just looking for anthony daniels and kenny baker. mayhew wasn't in episodes 1 and 2..
kashyyyk is proper spelling...
salicious b crumb
should i try some harder questions next time?
daveT, at 6:05 PM
I would have know Salacious B. Crumb, but it looks like I'm a little late for this one
Anonymous, at 1:05 AM
Do your worst. OK, maybe my worst. Your worst will only be answered by you. Either way, that was fun.
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