They're saying that if you had the caffeine equivalent of that many Dews in you at one time, you'd die. Probably of heart failure. So you'd have to drink that much liquid fast enough for it to be in your blood stream all at the same time before your body metabolized any of it. So basically instantly. And if you did drink that much, your bladder would explode. Let's just say that if you drank that much Dew, you'd have lots of problems.
A self-proclaimed science geek. My goal is to edjamacate youns in the ways of a star wars nerd. I'll throw out random bits of useless movie trivia as well in my doses of keyboard diaherrea. ENJOY!
To put YOU down. It's different depending on weight. It'd take less to kill Krista.
Stan, at 12:52 PM
i understand... but they dont really give a time frame... do they mean consecutively? over a day? in 4 hrs?
im pretty sure i have had that much dew already in my life...
daveT, at 2:32 PM
They're saying that if you had the caffeine equivalent of that many Dews in you at one time, you'd die. Probably of heart failure. So you'd have to drink that much liquid fast enough for it to be in your blood stream all at the same time before your body metabolized any of it. So basically instantly. And if you did drink that much, your bladder would explode. Let's just say that if you drank that much Dew, you'd have lots of problems.
Stan, at 5:59 PM
how about if i had several IV's and a tube shoved down my throat so i could get maximum caffeine in me at one time....
daveT, at 6:06 PM
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