Half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herding space pirate

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

LOOK! shiny new feature! Tuesday T-ism!

as per guidance suggestion of one of my regular blog readers/posters... i have decided to spice stuff up a bit. ergo. the tuesday T-ism.

what the hell is a tuesday T-ism you ask?

well i'm glad you asked. here are a few examples:

What do you call it when Dave goes on a boat? Green-T
What do you call it when Dave crashes his car? T-Rex

(get it? a combination/separation of DaveT)

so today's is:

What does Dave say to his imaginary girlfriend Tara when he wants to get it on?

answer to be posted sometime tomorrow! check back to the post....
same T-time, same T-channel!


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