best buy last black friday... one of those i had to go out on black friday special items. if i recall it was like $180 after a rebate. not bad for a 17" lcd, even if i never heard of MAG instruments...
A self-proclaimed science geek. My goal is to edjamacate youns in the ways of a star wars nerd. I'll throw out random bits of useless movie trivia as well in my doses of keyboard diaherrea. ENJOY!
Nice, a forever pic.
Stan, at 8:04 AM
Oh and nice monitor. :)
Stan, at 8:05 AM
best buy last black friday... one of those i had to go out on black friday special items. if i recall it was like $180 after a rebate. not bad for a 17" lcd, even if i never heard of MAG instruments...
daveT, at 8:36 AM
At thie point, I think it's just obligatory to mention your monitor every time it shows up in MLB.
Stan, at 10:17 AM
i was kind of figuring that... we'll have to see... maybe i'll start a wednesday monitor shot... or something..
daveT, at 10:27 AM
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