more? you want more? what more can i give you people? i', pouring my heart and soul out here.... wait i sold my soul a long time ago... and oh yeah i'm heartless... hmmm... spit and vinegar?
Nah, he spelled it wrong. He wants to know where he can find Moore, Demi that is. I know where she is. Lazy sack of crap is probably at home sitting on her Ashton! ba-dum-bum. Man am I slick.
A self-proclaimed science geek. My goal is to edjamacate youns in the ways of a star wars nerd. I'll throw out random bits of useless movie trivia as well in my doses of keyboard diaherrea. ENJOY!
Please tell me where can I find more material -----------------------------------------------------------------------------order-imitrex order
Anonymous, at 11:11 PM
more? you want more? what more can i give you people? i', pouring my heart and soul out here.... wait i sold my soul a long time ago... and oh yeah i'm heartless... hmmm... spit and vinegar?
daveT, at 7:06 AM
Nah, he spelled it wrong. He wants to know where he can find Moore, Demi that is. I know where she is. Lazy sack of crap is probably at home sitting on her Ashton! ba-dum-bum. Man am I slick.
Stan, at 7:51 AM
we don't call you quaker state for nothing
daveT, at 8:16 AM
Is that a Hualin' Oats refernce or a Motor Oil (smooth) refernce? I'm guessing the latter since I said slick.
Stan, at 11:35 AM
oil/slick attempt at a bad pun... da dum ching
daveT, at 12:24 PM
don't u want a stuffed alien doll for your daughter tho? no comments on that at all..
daveT, at 12:28 PM
and welcome to my weird wild world kate... :-) maybe stan can talk me into leg bloggin lol
daveT, at 10:20 PM
I'll pass on the ones for Ill, but you're welcome to leg blog with the rest of us.
Stan, at 7:26 AM
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