posted by daveT at 11:35 AM
while both cute and cuddly. i'll take kristin!
By daveT, at 11:39 AM
*raises hand* I'm sure.
By Stan, at 12:41 PM
Oh and Krista agrees.
By Stan, at 8:37 PM
you both suck!just wait till chloe gets killed off. or moves away like pete...i will have my vengence yet! mwa ha ha!!!!!!!
By daveT, at 10:18 PM
She's hot Dave, don't worry, I agree with you. But Chloe is hot as wellJay
By Anonymous, at 10:25 PM
well if i had to rank the all time smallville list it'd be the indian chick that could turn into a wolf at #1lana #2lois #3and then the phasing girl that was in a few episodes that ended up almost nekkid on top of clark in his bed at #42 of lex's old gf's at 5 and 6then maybe chloe... (notice she is only the 2nd blonde on the list...)
By daveT, at 10:12 PM
Normally, I'm not into Blondage either, but in this case, it's unavoidable. Oh and Indian wolf-chick WAS hot. Totally agree there.
By Stan, at 1:58 PM
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while both cute and cuddly. i'll take kristin!
daveT, at 11:39 AM
*raises hand* I'm sure.
Stan, at 12:41 PM
Oh and Krista agrees.
Stan, at 8:37 PM
you both suck!
just wait till chloe gets killed off. or moves away like pete...
i will have my vengence yet! mwa ha ha!!!!!!!
daveT, at 10:18 PM
She's hot Dave, don't worry, I agree with you. But Chloe is hot as well
Anonymous, at 10:25 PM
well if i had to rank the all time smallville list
it'd be the indian chick that could turn into a wolf at #1
lana #2
lois #3
and then the phasing girl that was in a few episodes that ended up almost nekkid on top of clark in his bed at #4
2 of lex's old gf's at 5 and 6
then maybe chloe...
(notice she is only the 2nd blonde on the list...)
daveT, at 10:12 PM
Normally, I'm not into Blondage either, but in this case, it's unavoidable. Oh and Indian wolf-chick WAS hot. Totally agree there.
Stan, at 1:58 PM
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