I'm a firestarter, wicked firestarter...
So i wake up saturday afternoon.... yes you heard right, it was about 12:30pm.. and i'm shivering when i get out of bed. i hobble my way down the stairs and take a gander at the thermostat... its sitting at 50 degrees F, and i think it would have been lower if 50 was not the lowest it could go. now i like to wait as long as possible to turn on the heat, but even i am not retarded... so i make my way to the basement to fire up the furnace.
i vividly remember having trouble last year getting the damn thing lit... so i'm thinking i'll do everything right this year. rrrrrrrrrrrrrright. i get out the lighter/torch thingy and push the switch to the "set" position (after opening the gas valve) and light the pilot light. all is well i think. wrong. as i try to move the switch to the "on" position, the pilot light keeps going out. grrr. after 3 attempts im getting pissed and cant figure out why the pilot light wont stay lit. so being the "intelligent" person that i am, and realizing that similar actions repeated with the same results are futile... i try and move the swith to the "on" position and then light the pilot light.
oh yeah that puppy lit! and shot a fookin fireball about 2 feet out of the furnace as well.
needless to say i need to wear long sleeves for a while since i singed off a majority of the hair around my wrists, so they no longer match the rest of my fur covered arms.
maybe next year i won't turn the furnace on at all...
oh and in case you are wondering the thermostat is set at a toasty 58 degrees, where it will be all winter, unless i expect company, then i'll think about raising it to 65.
i vividly remember having trouble last year getting the damn thing lit... so i'm thinking i'll do everything right this year. rrrrrrrrrrrrrright. i get out the lighter/torch thingy and push the switch to the "set" position (after opening the gas valve) and light the pilot light. all is well i think. wrong. as i try to move the switch to the "on" position, the pilot light keeps going out. grrr. after 3 attempts im getting pissed and cant figure out why the pilot light wont stay lit. so being the "intelligent" person that i am, and realizing that similar actions repeated with the same results are futile... i try and move the swith to the "on" position and then light the pilot light.
oh yeah that puppy lit! and shot a fookin fireball about 2 feet out of the furnace as well.
needless to say i need to wear long sleeves for a while since i singed off a majority of the hair around my wrists, so they no longer match the rest of my fur covered arms.
maybe next year i won't turn the furnace on at all...
oh and in case you are wondering the thermostat is set at a toasty 58 degrees, where it will be all winter, unless i expect company, then i'll think about raising it to 65.
You had me ballin' just by reading the word "fookin." I pictured Groundskeeper Willie for some reason. Thanks.
It's all good. Hair grows back.
Stan, at 10:36 AM
It's a wee bloody firey in here. she canna handle much more o this capn!
daveT, at 11:15 AM
you are an idiot.
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
Good job man. Chris and I had the thermostat set very low in our old place. Our grandparents visited once and were turning blue and shivering
Anonymous, at 9:18 PM
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